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How it all Started

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

And then there were 2!

It all started at a small bagel shop over the summer of 2021 where two people, essentially strangers, met over coffee to discuss business. Jessica was in the midst of working through building a business, learning how to grow it and figuring out how to share her passion with others. I had just relocated back to Massachusetts and was still working for the company I had been with for 5 years in Nashville. There, I was a Practice Manager for an Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Office. Healthcare was always my passion, but you can easily get burnt out, especially after 17 years! I was still trying to fulfill my role remotely, but was really missing the interactions with patients and people.

When I first met with Jessica it was with the intention of potentially working for her part time. I was interested in a change of pace and had enjoyed watching the amazing things she had been doing on social media. She needed more hands! I have always loved organizing and helping people, so it made sense right?! Jessica’s passion and excitement for all things organizing and her true dedication to helping people reclaim their space and happiness was so refreshing. That quick meeting turned into a long conversation about dreams, hopes and big ideas! We realized we both had a desire for something bigger and felt that together we could accomplish it, or at least give it our best and have fun along the way! After a few more meetings, it was all in motion.

We both thrive in a place where we can help people, make connections, and assist with facilitating order and better systems. Together we have found so much joy in helping people reclaim their space, work through difficult transitions of moving, and decluttering their homes so they can truly enjoy them. ~Celeste

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